Combine at dusk

Combine at dusk

Friday, December 7, 2012

ERT dismisses Chatham Kent wind turbine appeal

The Environmental Review Tribunal (ERT) has dismissed an appeal by the Chatham Kent Wind Action Inc. of a Renewable Energy Approval (REA) of a 270 MW wind farm near Tilbury and Ridgetown, in the Municipality of Chatham-Kent, Ontario. 
Key findings were made by the ERT at paragraphs 63 and 64 in its decision:
[63] The Tribunal has the duty to apply the statutory test. The onus is on those challenging the REA to establish how engaging in the renewable energy project in accordance with the renewable energy approval will cause serious harm to human health. Although Mr. Erhard raises concerns with respect to the accuracy of noise prediction, evidence is needed to establish that the alleged inaccuracies with noise predictions will cause serious harm to human health. No evidence and no submissions were made to connect the alleged inaccuracies with respect to the noise predictions with harm to human health or the environment.
[64] In conclusion, the Tribunal finds that the Appellant, the participant and the presenter have not shown that engaging in the Project in accordance with the REA will cause serious harm to human health as required by s. 145.2.1(2)(a) of the ERT.  The Tribunal, therefore, dismisses the appeal.
Read the decision at: Chatham Kent Wind Action Inc. v. MOE.

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