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Combine at dusk

Saturday, December 8, 2012

Ontario releases new Drainage Act and Conservation Authorities Protocol

In 2008, the inter-agency Drainage Act & Section 28 Regulations Team (DART) was established by the Ministry of Natural Resources (MNR) and the Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs (OMAFRA) to explore the options and propose solutions to the legal liability issues for municipalities and conservation authorities arising from provisions in the Drainage Act and the Conservation Authorities Act.  DART includes representatives from MNR, OMAFRA, Conservation Ontario, conservation authorities, the Drainage Superintendents Association of Ontario, the Ontario Society of Professional Engineers Land Drainage Committee, Ontario Federation of Agriculture, Ontario Farm Environmental Coalition, and the Rural Ontario Municipal Association. The Team’s goal was to develop a means for municipalities and conservation authorities to fulfill their responsibilities under the Drainage Act and Conservation Authorities Act respectively without compromising the intent of either statute.  The Team developed a draft Drainage Act and Conservation Authorities Act Protocol. Included in the Protocol is a joint Drain Maintenance or Repair Notification Form which may be used to apply for permissions from conservation authorities, MNR, and Fisheries and Oceans Canada. After public consultation, the Protocol and Notification Form were approved by the Ministers of Natural Resources and Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs and are now Provincial policy. These documents are intended for internal use by municipal and conservation authority staff.
Read the Protocol at: DART Protocol.

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