EBR Registry Number: 011-1039
Approval for a renewable energy project - EPA s.47.3(1)
Instrument Holder: Kent Breeze Corp. and MacLeod Windmill Project Inc.( Kent Breeze Wind Farms )
Instrument Issued by: Ministry of the Environment
Applicant Name: Bill Wachsmuth
Decision under Appeal:
A Renewable Energy Approval issued to Kent Breeze Wind Farms, located in the Municipality of Chatham-Kent, for a Class 4 Wind facility consisting of eight wind turbine generators, each rated at 2.5 MW generating output capacity, with a total generation capacity of 20 MW.
The Appellant is appealing the approval on the following grounds:
1. the lack of a Traffic Management Plan for the project, which was a condition of approval.Read the Notice at: EBR Notice.
2. the proponent did not provide a plan for night lighting that will minimize the impacts on birds.
3. the turbines, which are not permitted to operate while under construction, should not be allowed to operate in foggy conditions once fully operational.
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