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Combine at dusk

Monday, December 16, 2013

Ontario MOE: Hog Farm Fined $4,000 for having no nutrient management strategy and plan

From the MOE Court Bulletin:

Hog Farm Fined $4,000 for Nutrient Management Violations

Cornwall – A hog farm was fined $4,000 for operating an agricultural farm without the required nutrient management strategy, contrary to the Nutrient Management Act.

“Charges and convictions remind us all that we need to take care not to damage the environment as we go about our business”, Environment Minister Jim Bradley.

6093744 Canada Inc. owns and operates a pork agricultural operation located on County Road 18 in the Township of South Dundas. In 2004, the company added two hog barns and a manure storage lagoon in addition to the two barns already on the property.

In October 2003, a letter was sent by a Ministry of Agriculture and Food engineer advising the company that its intention to build two additional barns to house about 5,000 feeder hogs on the farm would result in the farm being classified as generating over 300 nutrient units and therefore would be subject to the Nutrient Management Act on July 1, 2005. The letter further indicated that a plan had to be submitted at least two months prior to this date for approval.

In June 2012, in response to a complaint, a provincial officer of the ministry conducted an inspection at the company’s farm. During the inspection, the officer observed that the company had not applied for or received an approved Nutrient Management Strategy and Plan. A subsequent investigation determined that pork operation involved about 5,000 feeder hogs that would generate over 300 nutrient units annually and therefore an approved strategy and plan was required and was not obtained.

The company was fined $4,000 plus a victim fine surcharge of $1,000 and was given six months to pay the fine.

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